Wat doen intussen de fabrikanten?
Berichten: 4912
Lid geworden op: 13 aug 2011, 22:40
Real name: Evert Brochez
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door Bingovit » 19 mar 2018, 10:01

zwartepanter schreef:Damn, deze wil ik graag eens spelen... Was één van mijn lievelingsseries vroeger.
Dan gaat ge eens een tripke naar Gent moeten doen hè panter! ;)

Staat daar altijd klaar voor actie met de laatste software erop! 8-)
-->The Dark Pinball Specialist<--
*"Serving the world of pinball since 2005!"*

Berichten: 730
Lid geworden op: 17 sep 2011, 10:09
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door jjj080 » 19 mar 2018, 11:19

Pascal schreef:
zwartepanter schreef:Damn, deze wil ik graag eens spelen... Was één van mijn lievelingsseries vroeger.
Ik wist niet dat jij al zo oud was Panter. Ge ziet er nog goed uit voor uw leeftijd. :lol:
Ik was vroeger ook fan van de serie. Had zelfs batman speelgoed (batmobiel e.d.). Veel gespeeld met die prullen met de neef(jes). Grote discussie was altijd wie er batman en wie er robin was. Pure nostalgie, ben er ondertussen 61 :mrgreen:

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 13 apr 2018, 15:21

Code 0.90 is uit.

Bevat vooral updates richting 4 extra major villain modes. Gebaseerd op andere afleveringen uit seizoen 3. (de huidige zijn seizoen 1)

Dus andere animaties, regels, etc... :D
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 5831
Lid geworden op: 09 aug 2011, 21:14
Real name: PVW
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door Pascal » 30 mei 2018, 21:17

eindelijk nog meer "season 3" minor villains !!

V0.92.0 - May. 30, 2018

- Added new Egghead mode: Season 3, Episode 109 ("The Ogg Couple").
- Added new Shame mode: Season 3, Episodes 115 & 116 ("The Great Escape").
- Completing the Mad Hatter mode both times and selecting it again would
show INVALID on the Minor Villain mode select screen. This has been
- The Batusi mode would show "Villain Escape", not "Batusi" on the total
screen. This has been corrected.
- Added more sounds for Joker mode 5/6.
- Fixed Joker and Penguin batcave video clip sequences; too many sequences
were being displayed at one time.
- Reduced Penguin mode EP 3/4 hurry-up stage (#3) from 3 shots to 1 shot.
- Fixed background instructions and collect/continue video clips for
Catwoman mode 19/20.
- Added hurry-up stage for Catwoman mode 19/20: stage #2 (batbeam, left
ramp) and stage #3 (robin w/ tigers, right ramp). Added batbeam and
explosion sounds.
- Reworked Major Villain mode adjustments:
- Lowered default Gordon Target hits from 3 to 2.
- Lowered final stage shot sequences from 6/8 to 5.
- Added new clips for Catwoman mode 108 Gordon Target Sequence.
- Fixed a issue that was causing the shot value for the Villain Escape
to not increase after a super jackpot was scored.
- Added lamp effects for Villain Escape.
- Added Villain Vision effect for Villain Escape super jackpot.
- Increased the autofire time for the Villain Escape add-a-ball from 5
seconds to 15 seconds.
- Added more sounds for Villain Escape super jackpot award.
- Added some GI lighting effect for Villain Escape:
SW_HITS = normal.
SHOTS = dark.
Multiball start fades the GI down to dark.
- Added video clips/sounds for Villain Escape part #1.
- Reworked Villain Escape start effect text and added instructions.
- Added blinking shoot again lamp to the first part of Villain Escape
to indicate that the mode will continue if the ball drains.
- Added episode-specific video clips for the villains in attract mode.
The clips that are displayed are selected from the episodes that were
played during the previous game.
- Cleaned up audit/adjustment text. Removed unused adjustments.
- Added jail sounds for minor villains captured.
- Added number of parts for each Catwoman, Joker, Penguin, and Riddler
mode in the mode select display effect.
- Added video clips for Catwoman, Joker, Penguin, and Riddler mode select.
- Added HSTD display for King Tut mode EP 117, it was missing.

- Fixed an issue with NODE BUS TEST that was causing the TV node (#24)
to report that it had a communication error.

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 31 mei 2018, 12:54

Idd, die extra season 3 minors waren een must!

Beter zo dus :)

Deze vind ik ook wel een hele toffe:

Added episode-specific video clips for the villains in attract mode.
The clips that are displayed are selected from the episodes that were
played during the previous game.

En er komt nog veel meer aan in de toekomst :)
IFPA Country Director Belgium

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 26 jul 2018, 09:25

Er moet nog veel bij maar meer inhoud nu. Vooral minor rules zijn belangrijk hoe ze bijdragen tot het geheel.

V0.93.0 - Jul. 25, 2018

- Added new Mad Hatter mode: Season 2, Episode 69 ("The Contaminated
Cowl") and Season 2, Episode 70 ("The Mad Hatter Runs Afowl").
- Added new King Tut mode: Season 3, Episode 100 ("The Unkindest Tut
Of All").
- Fixed an issue where the small TV for the BATUSI mode was not going
away at the end of the mode.
- Fixed an issue where the High Score To Date for the BOOKWORM mode
was using the score information for the EGGHEAD mode.
- Fixed an issue with MAD HATTER 13/14 where the first stage of the mode
would show incorrect background frames after the first shot was made.
- Increased the brightness of the background illumination when the super
jackpot lamp is lit.
- Removed dim the background illumination when the super jackpot has been
lit but then is not available (i.e., during multiball)
IFPA Country Director Belgium

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 31 aug 2018, 00:08

V0.94.0 - Aug. 30, 2018

- Added new King Tut mode: Season 2, Episode 87 ("King Tut's Coup")
and Season 2, Episode 88 ("Batman's Waterloo").
- Added ROBIN'S HOLY MULTIBALL mode for completing one TV mode from
SEASON 1, one TV mode from SEASON 2, and one TV mode from SEASON 3.
- Added a select screen for BATUSI MULTIBALL and ROBIN'S HOLY MULTIBALL
so the player can choose which mode to play after completing one TV
mode from SEASON 1, one TV mode from SEASON 2, and one TV mode from
- Changed the default volume to 17 (from 30, which was very loud).
- Moved the main TV timer so it can be seen when there are multiple
small TVs on the display.
- Added new video for Mad Hatter 69/70 in attract mode.
- Fixed an issue where the video quality of the video clips used for Mad
Hatter 69/70 was not good.
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 5831
Lid geworden op: 09 aug 2011, 21:14
Real name: PVW
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door Pascal » 31 aug 2018, 09:25

Is die robins holy multiball nu ipv batusi multiball?

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 31 aug 2018, 09:30

Nee staat er naast. Je kan kiezen welke je speelt.

Ik ga volgende week adviseren dat als je 2 modes per seizoen uitspeelt, je dan de wizard mode moet krijgen van dat seizoen (dus seizoen 1 batusi, seizoen 2 holy robin, 3..?). En dat alle 3 de wizard modes spelen samen met alle main villains verslaan, dan een super wizard mode moet geven.

Goed idee of niet? :D
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 131
Lid geworden op: 16 sep 2013, 20:00
Real name: Tim Brouns
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door Brouns » 02 sep 2018, 08:57

Top idee Turcksje!!!
In play: Hook - WW - JPpro - CFTBL - Met - TWD - AIQ - Godzilla

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 28 sep 2018, 08:08

Holy Update 0.95 is er (en sowieso nog niet de laatste) met 2 nieuwe minor modes:

V0.95.0 - Sep. 27, 2018

- Added new King Tut mode: Season 2, Episode 41 ("The Spell Of Tut")
and Season 2, Episode 42 ("Tut's Case Is Shut").
- Added new Egghead mode: Season 3, Episode 102 ("The Ogg And I")
and Season 3, Episode 103 ("How To Hatch A Dinosaur").
- Reworked gadget application criteria for the egghead modes. A gadget
is allowed only one time during the mode after it is started.
- Replaced choreography (stacked) display effects for Catwoman, Joker,
and Riddler with display effect requests (not stacked), so these will
not run if anything of greater priority is started instead.
- Added Egghead 102/103, King Tut 41/42, King Tut 87/88, and Mad Hatter
69/70 high score to date displays to the attract mode.

De 14 minors zijn nu compleet... dus nu gaan we een ander update patroon zien, geen inhoud maar balancing, light effects, rules, ...

Dit zijn de minor modes die er nu inzitten:

Season 1:
Mad Hatter - 13/14
King Tut - 27/28
Book Worm - 29/30

Season 2:
King Tut - 41/42
Egg Head - 47/48
Mr Freeze - 53/54
Shame - 59/60
Mad Hatter - 69/70
King Tut - 87/88

Season 3:
King Tut - 100
Egg Head - 102/103
Egg Head - 109
Shame - 115/116
King tut - 117
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 5831
Lid geworden op: 09 aug 2011, 21:14
Real name: PVW
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door Pascal » 09 okt 2018, 07:56

V0.96.0 - Oct. 8, 2018

- Added GAS ATTACK MULTIBALL mode for completing one TV mode from
SEASON 1, one TV mode from SEASON 2, and one TV mode from SEASON 3.
(This is selectable along with BATUSI MULTIBALL and ROBIN'S HOLY
- Reworked egghead 47/48 to include an effect for transitioning to the
next stage (hitting the gadget button) along with different background
clips for the two stages.
- Reworked villains captured sound effects and placement for better
timing and more variety of sounds.
- Fixed the "SHAME CAPTURED" effect; it was missing the last frame where
the text is centered over the jail cell.


David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 18 okt 2018, 21:27

V0.98.0 - Oct. 17, 2018

- Reworked the Bookworm mode so it is easier to finish.
- Cleaned up speech requests for King Tut 27/28 so new requests are honored
over old ones.
- Changed completion requirements and scoring for King Tut 27/28.
- Cleaned up last stage background clips for King Tut 27/28 (two were close
together, similar).
- Added right target bank target awards to King Tut 27/28; these increase
the scoring for the mode by a decent amount.
- Reworked small TV allocation/deallocation so TV exit animations can be
- Existing choreography, totals, queued and main display effects are now
stopped when changing channels.
- Reworked the "completed" and "total" effects for the minor villain
modes. If the mode is completed, the villain "jailed" animation is
played. If not, a still image of the villain is shown with the total
number of points scored during the mode.
- Implemented correct episode title messages for minor villain modes, based
on the current (possibly saved) state of the rule.
- Changed scoring for Shame 59/60. Additional shot and switch points are
awarded for starting and completing other minor villain modes.
- Changed the number of shots for Shame 59/60 last stage from 7 to 5 for
completion (easier). Added GI effects for GADGET/TV targets. Cleaned
up messages for the background display effect so there is more information
shown regarding the current state of the rule. Cleaned up speech requests
so new requests are honored over old ones.
- Rollover and rollunder switches (loops, ramps) now cause an end-of-ball
condition (bonus) if there is a drain immediately after a serve where any
of these switches are made before the drain.
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 5831
Lid geworden op: 09 aug 2011, 21:14
Real name: PVW
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door Pascal » 25 okt 2018, 13:10

Wie kan er mij eens zeggen welk “voordeel” je krijgt bij het uitspelen van welke minor villains? Ik vergeet dat altijd.

Den Duze
Berichten: 655
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 14:28
Real name: Dujardin Didier


Bericht door Den Duze » 25 okt 2018, 13:22

Wie kan er mij eens uitleggen (ja David, je mag het hier ook nog eens vermelden want ik ben zeker al enkele zaken vergeten) wat wedstrijdgewijs (zowel voor 'kwalificatie hoogste score' als 'head-to-head') de beste strategie is op deze kast (dit allemaal met het ook op Danish Open dit weekend) :D

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 25 okt 2018, 13:46

shame: add a ball in multiball
egghead: nog niets (score zou in bonus moeten zitten)
king tut: keep progress in minor modes
mad hatter: replay earlier played modes
mr freeze: frozen timers
bookworm: carry over mr freeze and king tut awards
IFPA Country Director Belgium

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 25 okt 2018, 13:47

En Duze, er is geen beste strategie... er zijn veel strategieën waar veel punten in zitten, maar je speelt wel beter de majors door... Welke minor je kiest hangt af van je risico vs award.

Je kan vb winnen door enkel minors te spelen tov iemand die enkel majors speelt of vice versa.
IFPA Country Director Belgium

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 03 nov 2018, 23:22

Update time!

Voor mij zijn de beste...
- Added a setting (default YES) that allows minor villain modes to be
replayed once all modes in a season have been played. --> Vooral de 'in a season' is belangrijk... omdat je anders echt met een roadblock zat!
- Implemented (fully) "save minor villain progress" for finishing King Tut. --> eindelijk!
- Implemented SHAME awards (+1 balls to multiball / multiball extend).
The "extend" time is given by the adjustment "AUTOFIRE EXTEND TIMER". --> eindelijk en cool!
- Added right bank targets and better scoring for the minor villain modes. --> minors belangrijkers dus
- Reworked score criteria for the minor villain modes. The base score
will go up with each major villain stage completed, along with each minor
villain mode completed. ---> cool hoe de minors en majors zich nu verbinden met elkaar qua scoring!

Voor mij mag er nu nog een soort eindmode bij om alles te halen en dan zijn we er! :)
En nog wat geluid en lichteffecten.

V0.99.0 - Nov. 1, 2018

- Increased minor villain mode select timer to 15 seconds (from 9 seconds).
- Added a setting (default YES) that allows minor villain modes to be
replayed once all modes in a season have been played.
- Added sounds and speech to some BOOKWORM 29/30 clips that were missing.
- Cleaned up and trimmed several BOOKWORM 29/30 clips.
- Added right bank targets and better scoring for the minor villain modes.
- Added GI lamps to minor villain mode select.
- Lowered HSTD scores for minor villain modes (100M to 50M).
- Fixed an issue with the EGGHEAD 47/48 mode that would light the "G" in
"GADGET" instead of a random shot to complete the mode.
- Added GI to skill shot (shooter lane).
- Added an adjustment for the trough power.
- Cleaned up/added shaker motor effects for major villain super jackpots
and major/minor villain jailed (completed) effects.
- Added a setting (default: YES) to spot an adjacent GADGET target.
- Implemented (fully) "save minor villain progress" for finishing King Tut.
- Fixed an issue with "hold bonus" that was causing the bonus to not be
- Implemented SHAME awards (+1 balls to multiball / multiball extend).
The "extend" time is given by the adjustment "AUTOFIRE EXTEND TIMER".
- Reworked score criteria for the minor villain modes. The base score
will go up with each major villain stage completed, along with each minor
villain mode completed.
IFPA Country Director Belgium

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 04 nov 2018, 23:31

Zalig hoe je nu de gewone mutliball kan opdrijven tot 5 ballen via shame (en zelfs shame naar 4 ballen nu) :)
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 5831
Lid geworden op: 09 aug 2011, 21:14
Real name: PVW
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door Pascal » 11 nov 2018, 21:09

zo speel je 400+ miljard (!!!!) op de BM66
kijken vanaf minuut 41


David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 13 nov 2018, 02:34

combinatie van een vroege mr freeze en bookworm... dus unlimited timers..
Dan veel extraballen in zn spel en vermoedelijk outlanes helemaal toe... dan kan je batman idd wel een tijdje doorduwen.

De bug die er nu in zit dat majors te hoog scoren tot miljarden per shot in latere fasen zal met volgende update(s) opgelost zijn trouwens, no worries

Zo heb ik onlangs ook mn 28B gescoord.. sommige schoten waren al een paar 100M
IFPA Country Director Belgium

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 16 nov 2018, 00:48

1.0.. ps: dit is zeker niet de laatste update :)

met een super toffe nieuw regel voor king tuts die een extra multiplier op het main tv channel zet

V1.00.0 - Nov. 15, 2018

- Added a setting to enable the SLE custom speech.
*Note to SLE owners:
email a photo of your game along with your name and serial number to to have your features enabled in the next
- Added some SLE custom speech.
- Egghead 47/48, 102/103, and 109 now contribute to the bonus when won.
If Bookworm has been won, the (cumulative) Egghead bonuses are awarded
at the end of each ball.
- Added a setting to limit the main channel multiplier. This can be set
to 2X - 5X, or UNLIMITED. The default is 5X. (This award is earned by
finishing any of the King Tut modes after the first (the first saves
the minor villain progress).
- Fixed a scoring issue that was causing major and minor villain mode
scores to be too high after defeating several major villains.
- Resolved an issue with the gadget lock that was causing the timing to
be off by so much that is was no longer possible to achieve a lock using
the button.
- Maximum playfield multiplier from the Atomic Pile lowered to 3X (from
- Reworked King Tut main channel multiplier such that the next multiplier
earned is one more than the last one earned. This allows the main channel
multiplier to increase even if Bookworm has not been won.
- Added add-a-ball for super jackpot during batusi multiball.
- Cleaned up add jackpot shot logic for Batusi. The display will not show
the pop bumper hits to add a jackpot shot if one cannot be added (either
due to all of the jackpots being lit, or because the super jackpot is
- Added a lamp effect for pop bumpers when they are available to add a
jackpot shot during Batusi.
- Added new video clip for batusi super jackpot.
- Shortened some video clips for Batusi.
- Cleaned up Batusi award display effects.
- Added instructions to the Batusi background display effect.
- Removed text boxes from Batusi and reworked the display to have the same
look and feel as the rest of the game.
- Added settings for Batusi mode (pop hits and shots to light the super
- Added total effects for minor villain wizard modes.
- Added right target bank targets to Batusi. One hit to the right bank
(instead of completion) enables the pop bumpers for scoring/increases.
- Fixed an issue where the mode select (minor villain and minor villain
wizard) sound was being made even for the cases when the selection did
not change (i.e. there was only one item to select).
- Added add-a-ball + add more time to mystery if both can be awarded at
the same time.
- Fixed an issue with mystery where the award could be multiball, which
when awarded, would then not allow the player to select a minor villain
mode if the TV was lit.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the new minor villain reset adjustment
to not work correctly for some villains.
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 3020
Lid geworden op: 12 aug 2011, 08:59
Real name: Steven
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door Q » 16 nov 2018, 13:57

- Added a setting to enable the SLE custom speech.
*Note to SLE owners:
email a photo of your game along with your name and serial number to to have your features enabled in the next
- Added some SLE custom speech.
Cool, wist dit niet.
*** Q is good for you !! ***

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4394
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium


Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 16 nov 2018, 14:54

Gelukkig heeft er ene David ook een SLE gekocht... :whisling:
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 405
Lid geworden op: 18 sep 2011, 20:54
Real name: rik


Bericht door cardanmoto » 16 nov 2018, 22:02

graag zou ik ook de vuk power kunnen regelen zoals de slingshot sterkte ....

Plaats reactie